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A Few Words From Chairperson's Desk

The turn of millennium has brought in its wake a new dawn, brighter faces, higher hopes and soaring dreams. Our country has entered this millennium with a revitalized vigour, vitality and strength. The vibrancy is electrifying and almost tangible. However, the legacy of the past turmoil continues to dampen our spirits and slow down our pace of growth.

At IIIM, we aim at creating a domain in which participants of various programmes continually deepen their understanding of self and acquire the ability to make a more meaningful contribution in the unfolding of the world. Ultimately, we survive and grow by creating new realities. We religiously believe that we harvest in life, only and exactly what we sow in our minds. Therefore we work at influencing, shaping, guiding and polishing our students to serve the interests of our economy. Our openness to environment and willingness to toil to tap the vast potential of human mind is our strength. We believe in partnering with corporates and other institutions in gifting to the nation, a self-motivated team of members who are holistic in approach, versatile in talent and brimming with a sense of belongingness, year on year.

Dr. Ashok Gupta
