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An E-talk was organized on October 12, 2022 on ‘My story: Motivational Session by Start-up Founder’. Mr.

Jatin Lalwani, Founder, The Basement Bookstore delivered the talk.

He shared that being a Hotel Management graduate, he wanted to open his own cafe and being a book lover,

he wanted to open a book store. He thought to merge the two ideas into one and started an online book café.

Mr. Jatin informed that he runs an online bookstore business from his basement and helps young Indians

find their next read. His bookstore works in a simple format, almost like an auction. Jatin posts his stock on

Instagram, and prospective buyers ‘claim’ the book. For the inexperienced – this is a fairly new concept in

India. Mr. Lalwani shared that he was inspired by booksellers in the US and decided to implement the idea.

He said that hobbies, interest can be taken further as an innovative business idea. For such ventures, the

passion comes automatically.

An E-talk was organized on October 12, 2022 on ‘My story: Motivational Session by Start-up Founder’. Mr.

Jatin Lalwani, Founder, The Basement Bookstore delivered the talk.

He shared that being a Hotel Management graduate, he wanted to open his own cafe and being a book lover,

he wanted to open a book store. He thought to merge the two ideas into one and started an online book café.

Mr. Jatin informed that he runs an online bookstore business from his basement and helps young Indians

find their next read. His bookstore works in a simple format, almost like an auction. Jatin posts his stock on

Instagram, and prospective buyers ‘claim’ the book. For the inexperienced – this is a fairly new concept in

India. Mr. Lalwani shared that he was inspired by booksellers in the US and decided to implement the idea.

He said that hobbies, interest can be taken further as an innovative business idea. For such ventures, the

passion comes automatically.