Member :

 Affiliate :

  • International Schools Association, Geneva

  • European Council of International Schools, U.K.

  • National Progressive Schools Conference, New Delhi

  • Cambridge International  Examinations

  • International Baccalaureate


 DAY - 1

Seminar Commences

First day of the ISA-YLE commenced with formal welcome and registration of the participating teams. This was followed by the first seminar session which acted as an ice breaker to the challenges faced by the world in the field of ethics. Students interacted with each other under one roof to ponder, interpret and reflect on the intense global issue- “Ethics- the neglected priority “with the sub theme- ‘food and health.’ Motivational speaker, Dr. Deepika Kurani, a registered life coach, de-structured the word ethics and its meaning in one’s life.
Later in the day, students from Istanbul were also given an enriching experience of the Indian art; culture and cuisine by letting them try a hand on Block Printing, Madhubani Painting and an Indian delicacy which they would cherish for times to come. The day culminated with all delegates refreshing their minds by playing the indigenous game ‘Sitoliya’ in addition to other games like Badminton, Table Tennis, Handball, etc.